Framework will be the 1st skyscraper made from wood in the United States.
The building design showcases the innovative nature of mass timber construction at both the street level and on the city skyline. The structural design is a glulam post-and-beam structure, surrounding a CLT central core, and topped by CLT floor panels and gypsum concrete.
Framework’s mass opens to display the exposed vertical wood core and lifts at the street corner creating a double height daylit public space. Laminated wood columns and a CLT ceiling frame this space and connect to a second floor community room and garden deck. This design features the building structure while bringing together the main entries into retail, housing, and office spaces. Apartment and office ceilings will feature exposed wood with circulation grouped around the exposed wood core.
A daylit stair provides a glimpse of circulation and the wood structure from a distance. The roof deck and People’s Garden is framed by the building structure which extends the expression of the tall wood structure into the skyline.
Image credit: LEVER Architecture